As per the IMO Guidelines, indicated in the MSC/ Circ. 849, all ships must carry Emergency Escape Breathing Devices ( EEBDs) on board. The EEBD should be examined and maintained in accordance with....
Kami adalah perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam jasa keselamatan, memfokuskan pada lima bidang yang yang Proteksi Kebakaran, Listrik, Navigasi, Keamanan Sistem dan Menyimpan Kehidupan Laut 1.....
Annual inspection and servicing of Fixed Fire Extinguishers Fixed fire extinguishing systems play a very important part in protecting valuable marine assets including passenger, naval, cargo and....
During the survey the liferaft is inflated and carefully monitored pressure tests are carried out, the inflation system is checked and reset, the cylinder may be due for a hydrastatic test, if so, it....