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PT. Arta Logistics

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PT. Arta Logistics
PT. Arta Logistics
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Rizki Hardiyansah [Pemasaran]
Situs Web:
Pesan Instan:
Y!: rhardiyansah 
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Rizki Hardiyansah di Batam
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Rizki Hardiyansah di Batam
Alamat:Batam Office : Ruko Plamo Garden Blok C No. 11, Batam Centre, also avalaible at Jakarta, Balikpapan and Palembang
Batam 29452, Kepulauan Riau
Click to our website to get more informations or inquiries :
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Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:19 Jan. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Transportasi

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Our company was established in Jakarta, Indonesia in the end of 2002 as PT. Tachlog Trans Nusantara and in 2006 the company name turned into PT. ARTA TRANS NUSANTARA with brand name ARTA LOGISTICS.

Highly experienced people specializing in the industry both of International & Domestic transportation and logistic. Innovative operational techniques enabled us to enjoy almost immediate success and growth.

We cultivate an environment of honest, sincerity and trust in which we hold ourselves to the highest professional standards. We believe integrity is the foundation of all moral character and is an essential trait for truly professional and personal lives.

Our primary goal is to provide each customer with seamless and cost effective logistics solutions. In order to achieve these goals, we continue to improve and diversify our services through on going enhancement of our services and work performance.

To become a one-stop logistics provider in land, sea and air transportation, rendering our A service with the highest excellence and professionalism

Head Office :
PT. Arta Trans Nusantara
JL. Pasir Putih Raya, Block E/ 5D, No. 16
Taman Impian Real Etate Ancol Timur
Jakarta 14430 - INDONESIA
Tel : + 62-21 6471 0909 ( Hunting) Fax : + 62-21 6471 0404

Balikpapan Branch :
PT. Arta Logistics
Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 149, Balikpapan - INDONESIA
Tel : + 62-542 425921 Fax : + 62-542 425921

Palembang Branch :
PT. Arta Logistics
Jl. Ratu Sianum Lr. Kenanga No. 12, Palembang - INDONESIA
Tel : + 62-711 718767 Fax : + 62-711 720 536

Batam Branch :
PT. Arta Logistics
Ruko Plamo Garden Block C No. 11, Batam Centre 29462 - INDONESIA
Tel : + 62-778 464029 Tel : + 62-778 464030

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